Saturday, 9 April 2016

AGWO | Doing the work that most of us can't even imagine.

Often times it is easy to view things from the outside, from behind a fence, from a safe place or even from thousands upon thousands of miles away. You feel safe, you feel like these issues cannot affect you and you feel as if you are more or less exempt from the very actions that are transpiring, thus enabling you to have a clear and objective opinion about them, with no persona, sentimental or emotional tie to the situation.
It is a different story to look at it from the inside, as the person getting the blows and dealing with the problems first hand.

This kind of view makes you put things properly into perspective, and dare we say question the very fibers of humanity itself.
I am talking of course about lack of empowerment, or helplessness as we have come to know it as in the recent years.

It is not up to us though chose whether we have to deal with it or not, because it all depends where we are born and as what we are born, and believe it or not, the vast majority of these victims in this case are women.

The forms of oppression that these women are suffering from range to and from a lot of things, the list being too long for us to even attempt to debate it, however they are real, they are there and they are still running rampant.

While it is true that some of the world have graduated from such antiquated and archaic mindsets, there are still a lot of cases in which women are being oppressed with each and every passing day, in certain points having their basic rights denied by the men that control their lives.

This is not at all a pretty situation, and with each passing day, the urgency of resolution that this situation calls for grows ever more dire and wanted.

Mothers Care
One of the solutions, all be it desperately needed and much appreciated, presented itself to us in the form of A Giggles Welfare Organization, at that time a group of activists that wanted something that was before then thought unachievable, change.

AGiggles Welfare Organization have been active for quite some time now and throughout their activity they have encountered a lot of different and at times very severe cases of oppression, which they have managed to resolve without too many victims on each side of the fence.

This more or less helped them grow and get noticed by other organizations and later on the world strange as well, to the point where more and more activists have joined their ranks as well as more and more donations have managed to find their way towards them in order to keep fighting the good fight.

With their help, a lot of women out there have managed to become more or less emancipated and start looking for their own way in life, making sure that both themselves and their children are free from the oppression and the limitations that have hindered them up until that point.

Friday, 8 April 2016

A Giggles Welfare Organization constantly returning a hand | AGWO

No matter how you look at it, life in of itself is not easy, and there are always problems and there are always complications that lead down narrow, dangerous and often times unstable roads.

The most predominant thing that we can notice today about the world that we live in is the fact that is not a fair one.

Regardless of culture or positioning on the globe, societies everywhere are more or less tailored towards male dominance and male decisions being regarded as being the ones that must be followed.
Of course it goes without saying that this does not leave much room for the females.

Even though there are places and countries in this world that have female presidents, even though there are seats in the world parliaments that are being occupied by women, this is only a very minute minority.
Issues such as arranged marriages, dowries, the idea of the stay at home housewife and uneducated woman are still running rampant throughout the world.

The vast majority of women in this world are living this way, an archaic, oppressive and misogynistic way of life.

With proper empowerment and education, a woman is able to make her own decisions and be able to live a more comfortable and secure life, making decisions such as focusing on the carrier more than on marriage or having fewer kids and at later times, being able to choose to follow her dreams and do something with her life, change the world in some way and not have to be confined to domestic chores and a sedentary housekeeping lifestyle.
Empowerment is something that is not easy to be obtained by these women, and in a male dominated world, it can be easy to see why. Men get on average bigger salaries than women and women have to work harder and longer in order to gain respect and be seen as equals, often times being the inferior presence in the room at any given time.

The ones that strive for change
It goes without saying that this cannot go on like this, and women all over the world should be equal to men, have the same opportunities and the same chances as men, have the same jobs and the same salaries as men, the same responsibilities and the same rights as they do and not have to be forced into arranged marriages, forced to have kids at an early age and forced to give up their dreams because they were not fortunate enough to be born with the right sex.

AGiggles Welfare Organization is one of the key fighters in this battle for empowerment, and each and every activist from A Giggles Welfare Organizationare interested in achieving the same thing, equality.
Making it so that this world has the same opportunities and the same chances for both men and women alike so that they both can succeed in this world by virtue of their skills, talent and knowledge, and not by the gender with which they were born.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

A Giggles Welfare Organization | agwo

Look to your left, and then look to your right, look at all the people that are around you and ask yourself, when you will be in trouble, when you will need help the most, when you will fall, who will be there to help?
Out of all these people, who will help you get up? Who will help you recover? Who will help you carry on?
The answer is not one that will be to your liking, in all fairness, chances are that nobody will.
This is something that the needy cases of humanity, the poor, the powerless, the abused, the prosecuted know all too well, and for them this is a way of life.
“Waking up every single day and wondering whether it will be your last is not as intimidating and as disheartening as it first seems when you also know that there is not much to hope for anyway.” These were the words of a 7 year old girl which was doing her best to survive in the poverty that surrounded her.

A hand well given is a hand well received
There are organizations out there that are doing their best to help, organizations like A Giggles Welfare Organization, doing their very best and fighting with all their might and all their resolve to not only keep things afloat but also help the people that really need helping, and while their success is encouraging and hopeful, the truth of the matter is not as comfortable and as easy to swallow as we may hope.

These organizations are dying out.

They are all understaffed, they are all lacking serious amounts of manpower and they are all struggling with each and every passing day to make sure that they will be able to carry on helping the people that need help the most.

What’s wrong and what can be done about it
Charity work and volunteering today seem like a waste of time for the people out there that are interested in financial gain, wealth and career progression.
For them, time is money, and organizations like A Giggles Welfare Organization cannot give any to them. They cannot afford wages, they cannot financially compensate the people that come and help, hey function on donations, and often times the donations themselves are not enough to satisfy the needs of the people that they are trying to help.

So more and more people turn away from this cause.

The expected outcome
It’s not looking good for humanity, and the way things are going, we can only sit here and wait for the inevitable to happen, all the people that cannot help themselves will slowly but surely cease to exist, and their legacies, their cultures, everything that made their identity in this world visible and felt will be gone.

Unless people find it within their hearts to look around and see all the problems of humanity, and roll up their sleeves for once in their lives, and step down into the field and lend a hand, then we as a species are doomed to lose our very humanity.

AGWO | A final cry from the ones that can't for the ones that can.

Empowerment is something that we tend to receive at ages as young as 1, more or less affirming our capabilities and making us feel better about ourselves, however, as we age up something rather strange and peculiar starts happening, we receive less and less empowerment, to the point in which, around the age of 7-8, we encounter those who will try and take empowerment away from us, more or less rendering us powerless and victimized.

This is something that we have come to know and more or less accept as being bullying, even though we all know that it tends to have dire effects on the mental and psychological evolution of the victims of this practice.

The same, but on a larger scale, happens to women and children in different parts of the world their power being cut short and their victimization reaching more and more heights with each passing day.
This in turn leads to abuse, oppression, victimization, humiliation, blackmailing, sexual exploitation and rape, and the list goes on and on, the effects of victimization never ceasing to amaze and at the same time disgust us.

There are few people that would even bother to think about the victims, much less help them out, however we must understand that the lives of these women and these children will never be a good one if outside help is not received.
They are defenseless, they cannot handle this all alone, and so the call has been put out, and it has been answered.

A Giggles Welfare Organization
The good people and the activists at A Giggles Welfare Organization have been quick to pick up on the call and immediately go to these places and do whatever they can in order to help these women and children not only become self-sufficient but also fend for them and protect them as best they can.
From education, to material provisions, to guarding, all the way to providing them with a voice and clear access to both justice and education, there is no doubt that A Giggles Welfare Organization is fighting the good fight and helping the women and children in desperate need to find the parts of their lives that were missing and start building from there while at the same time mending the wounds and healing the scars that a lifetime of abuse and fear has left on the victims.

It is work like this that makes us more or less come closer to the roots and the stem that we have all deviated from all these generations. It is through work like this that we rediscover ourselves and learn once more what it really takes to be a human being, how strong we are, how resilient we are, and most importantly how capable we are when it comes to helping out a fellow human being.
It is through the help and valiance of organizations like A Giggles WelfareOrganization that we can make the world a better place, and in time and with a bit of hope, humanity will be a lot less toxic and a lot less harmful.