Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Empowerment, the most important teaching offered by A Giggles Welfare Organization

Empowerment and self-empowerment are not always taught properly and don’t always come naturally to people.
This means that there are a lot of people out there that are still feeling powerless and are still unable to realize the amount of potential that they have.
Not to mention the fact that this leads to powerlessness, which in turn leads to abuse, harassment, violence and all manners of attack that other more malicious people will capitalize on in order to get anything and everything that they want from you.

Dignity, strength, resilience, confidence, hope, faith, these all pale in the eyes of powerlessness and as long as it persist none of them will ever come to fruition.
The solution
Sadly, once we reach the point of powerlessness, we simply lack the motivation and drive to do anything more or less.
We become scared, desperate; we more or less devolve into a psychological state of terror and confusion, not knowing what solutions to opt for while at the same time looking for the quickest and most painless way in which to get through the day relatively safe.
If this sounds a bit too unnerving and a bit too harsh, that’s because it is and there is nothing out there that can compare with it. It is also one of the many fears that have turned into full blown phobias, the fear of powerlessness.
It goes without saying that you are in no state to help yourself and it is far more ludicrous to expect that you muster up the strength to do so all by yourself.
The truth is that you need help at that point in time, and there is no better organization to give you this help than the NGO called A Giggles Welfare Organization.
A Giggles Welfare Organization deals with a lot of these cases, and no matter who you are, no matter what you are, no matter where you are, they will come to you, they will help you, they will teach you, they will be right by your side as you more or less rediscover yourself and your true power.
The road to empowerment is not an easy one, but rather long, windy, twisted and often times dangerous, and it is not to be walked by a person alone.
As long as there are good people out there, as long as there are people that know how powerlessness fells like, as long as there are people out there that know what it is like to know what it is like to be the victim and have no voice in front of a crowd of men that don’t listen to a single word you say but rather sit and watch as others take anything and everything that they want from you, ad as long as these people know what it is like to fight from the ground up, you can be sure that they will help, and that they will guide you along your journey.
                                                   Visit :-www.agwo.org